What It Really Means to Be Happy
True happiness isn’t some elusive state that can only be attained by practicing yogis. A happy life can be attained by anyone who truly wants it and is willing to confront their negative emotions and learn from them. Finding what it really means to be happy is one of life’s great goals and is possible through your actions, thoughts, and beliefs.
The definition of happiness is “the state of being happy.” Essentially, being in the condition of feeling happy.
Feelings of joy and fulfillment can also be associated with happiness, as well as feeling positive emotions and experiencing true life satisfaction.
In the end, all of it is up for interpretation. This is why happiness is not something that happens to you, as much as it is something that you choose to feel.
Like all thoughts and feelings, we always have a choice. It often doesn’t feel like it, but it’s as simple as becoming more aware of your present emotional state as well as being more clear on how you really want to feel.

Why does it matter?
Rather than chasing an elusive feeling, it becomes so much easier to intentionally make the choice of how you want to feel. Emotions no longer have to rule your life, and in the end, you’ll be able to easily create what you want in life by aligning with your desired feelings.
The happiest people in the world will tell you that their emotions don’t control their lives. Instead, they control their emotions, which allows them to determine the path that their lives take. Your life experiences all contribute to who you are as a person. However, wouldn’t it be great if you could learn lessons from those experiences at a higher level and take full responsibility for not only your actions but your feelings as well?
How your feelings, or lack thereof, impact your life
If you think your feelings are not impacting your life in one way or another, you’re wrong. Whether you’re blocking out your feelings as a defense mechanism, or your emotions run high regularly causing you to drain your energy in emotional extremes – there is an impact.
How you’re thinking and feeling not only impacts your current life as you are living it, but also dictates what you’re aligning with for your future.
If you have been blocking out your feelings and just aren’t sure how, or aren’t sure you want to allow them to flow again, check out this Mama Mini Reset episode of The Aligned Mama Podcast.
When you hold on to negative emotions or attempt to bury them, you allow yourself to suffer on the inside and they just keep building. The problem with this is that no feeling stays buried forever and the effects can bubble up and show themselves in other unrelated areas of your life. This can be very confusing because you may not know why you suddenly burst out in anger when your kid spills her cereal or when your coworker makes a mistake on your team project.
How I went from stressed out to limitless
I spent years suppressing my feelings, causing overwhelming anxiety that rippled out into each and every part of my life. Although I was a high achiever on the outside, on the inside I was a stressed-out wife and mom who just didn’t feel like anything was ever really enough.
Once I discovered the ability to feel my feelings in a safe, comfortable space I began to realize the depth of emotions I had been missing! I tapped all the way in and began creating a life I really felt was worth living! In under one year, she built a six-figure business with limitless earning opportunities and I run that business while being a present wife and mom. Each day gets to be filled with what brings me true happiness!
How to take control of your own happiness
So the question remains, how do you actually become a happy person? There are different things you can do depending on your situation and emotional state, but it all begins with your actions, thoughts, and beliefs. Living a good life and having close relationships with friends and family aren’t all that hard.
The first step in your pursuit of happiness is to pay attention to each emotion you have throughout the day and ask yourself the following question, “why am I feeling this way?” Once you know this, ask yourself if this is how you want to feel. If it’s not, allow your higher mind to tell you what would make you feel better in the moment.
Oftentimes the kind of happiness you’re looking for comes from a sense of purpose rather than material things. Spending time with those close to you, getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating healthy food all contribute to the meaning of happiness for human beings.

Conclusion: What it really means to be happy
Being happy means taking control of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Focus on the good things in your life and you will move toward feeling a little bit happier every day. Sometimes this means getting out of your comfort zone and taking a risk by doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Let go of the judgments of others and focus on doing meaningful work and giving unconditional love to the people in your life. Even short-term happiness is a step toward a remarkable life, and the small things add up over time.
Living a meaningful life isn’t always easy, but it is totally worth it.
Book an Alignment Strategy Session with me today to learn more about how you can tap into deeper levels of your emotions to crush your personal and business goals today too!