The Truth About Being Successful: What Does it Really Mean?
Many successful people claim that hard work and sacrifice are the only way to be successful and it often feels like you’ll never reach the level of success you’re aiming for. The truth about being successful is that those feelings of accomplishment and fulfillment are all in your head. You have the power to feel like a successful person even if your career or business is just starting out.
Really, it is all about a feeling. We all have the ability to feel successful no matter the situation.
Many times, however, people allow external circumstances, to dictate their feelings of success. When a lack of fulfillment exists you can continuously accomplish new things and learn new skills and still feel like you’re not good enough.
The feeling of being good enough is a chronic issue in society. Many people believe they’ll never be successful and constantly wish to be a better version of themselves.

When the societal definition of success can shift from box-checking of accomplishments, awards, and making money, the real vision of what success entails will begin to take hold. Success is simply a feeling, one that each individual person gets to define.
What Is Success?
You don’t need to wait until some obscure point in time to finally feel like you’ve reached that big goal. The truth about being successful is that there will always be one more task to complete, one more important project to firm up, or one more client to sign.
You don’t have the same goals from five years ago and you won’t have the same goals in 10 years.
What happened when you reached your previous goal? Did you celebrate it? Did you even acknowledge it? Or did you immediately create a new goal and move on?
Pushing the line is what we do best. It’s what produces so many results and ultimately a successful business.
But there is a different way. A more fulfilling way to live your personal life while also carving out your desired career path and being a better leader.

Feeling Successful Is All In Your Head
Celebrating your wins is the best way to feel successful in every aspect of your life.
When something good happens, take the time to really feel the emotion of the accomplishment.
Allow that feeling to bloom in your chest and spread throughout your body. Do something small for yourself while in this frame of mind to seal the feeling to your mind.
The whole process of allowing yourself to celebrate your results can take as little as 30 seconds or you can stretch it out to a whole day. The choice is yours.
If it’s a big accomplishment, take more time to really celebrate it! For the smaller wins, hold that feeling for a minute or two and then go on about your day.
A successful life isn’t all about seeing how many hurdles you can jump without taking a break. It’s about actually enjoying the small steps it takes to get there.
How To Feel More Successful In Life
So now that you know it’s important to celebrate your results, what types of things can you do to enhance your personal development?
Working long hours with short breaks and never spending enough time with people you care about or doing things you enjoy can send anyone into a downward spiral.
Life is constantly changing and human beings are happiest when there’s a balance between work, personal connection, and creativity.
Do more things you’re passionate about, hang out with your best friend, or take time to work on something that brings out your creative side.
Once you’re doing things that make you happy and feel fulfilled, you’ll be open to receiving more connections, more ideas, and more income.
Who would have thought financial freedom could actually feel easy and fun to accomplish??
Conclusion: The Truth About Being Successful
Having unrealistic expectations about what success should look like is the best way to burn yourself out and feel like you’ll never be successful.
True success is a feeling you get to create by celebrating every small or big result in your life.
When you take time to make connections with other people, do activities you’re passionate about, and enjoy the journey, you’ll receive extraordinary results.
Your own definition of success is what’s most important.
If you want to get a jump start on feeling successful in your life, Book an Alignment Strategy Session with Liz.