How to Tap into and Listen to Your Mom Intuition
Learning how to tap into your mom intuition is one of the best ways you can protect and care for your children. Those maternal instincts are there for a reason, and when you’re able to listen to them and follow their prompts, you are really listening to your higher self.
As science, technology, and life, in general, have had advancements, the power of intuitive listening has been valued less and less. It’s almost scary how much the world has been shifting from trusting our own intuition to relying on the external world.
This is incredibly obvious when it comes to medical-related decision-making. Just go scroll through any mom-oriented Facebook group, and you will surely find story after story of a mom struggling with the decision to trust a medical professional or go with her gut feelings.

In a world where we are all afraid of being that person that is a bit “too much,” we tend to water ourselves down and flow with the masses. The more that we flow, the more that we allow our own belief systems to become saturated with the masses of thoughts and beliefs.
This doesn’t always have to be a bad thing, but wouldn’t you also like to think for yourself? Would you also like to be aware of your belief patterns so that you can decipher which ones align with who you want to be? This level of self-awareness only comes from a place of inner trust and willingness to listen to the most important person in this world, YOU!
What is Mother’s Intuition
Your intuition can be referred to by many different names and labels. Did you catch the new release of Pinocchio? Yup! Jiminy Cricket provides Pinocchio the guidance that your intuition provides for you (except your intuition won’t oversleep on the job!). There is that inner voice, sometimes referred to as your Higher Self, that gives you those little nudges along the way. While your logical or rational mind may have a hard time following this sixth sense, it’s often the best way to make the right decision.
Get that little feeling in your gut? Those sayings like “go with your gut” come from the concept of listening to your intuition!

How to Listen To Your Intuition
Tapping into your intuition is actually quite simple, especially as a new mom with all those mama bear surges! It may feel challenging at first as you may have been told by a family member that you need support or a second opinion in making decisions. That feeling of “I need to turn to the adult in the room” when you are faced with a big decision proves the fact that you have just simply been conditioned to believe you don’t already inherently have the answers you need for the circumstance you are facing.
The truth is, the answers are already inside of you. When you are willing to calm the feeling of societal expectations, you will be able to once again hear that voice of guidance within yourself.
Next time, you’ll more easily be able to make decisions that align with how you want to live your life. Decisions that align with how you want to think and feel each and every day of your life.
Many times we are scared to listen to our intuitive mind due to fear of the unknown just in case things go sideways. It is easy to make big, bold decisions to follow a dream when someone else is telling you what to do. This means you don’t have to take responsibility if the outcome is not desirable at the end of the day. However, this is really hurting the inner relationship with yourself. By building trust between you and your human intuition, you take radical responsibility for the decisions and the outcomes of those decisions. This puts all the power back in your hands, which means you can continue to make additional decisions that only get you closer to the outcomes you desire.
5 simple ways to tap into your mom intuition
There are specific ways you can tap into your gut instinct and make better choices. That place of calm awareness can come from different factors. These five tips will help you tune out social media in this modern world and listen to those intuitive flashes you may have already experienced.
Meditation is a great tool for quieting the inner chatter and recentering yourself so that you can connect with your power of intuition. This meditation bundle is a great place to start!
Journaling is an open-minded, expansion task. It gives you the power to release so much pressure by writing down those never-ending swirl of thoughts onto a piece of paper. This creates inner space to hear your intuition once again. If you feel stuck in that space of not knowing what to journal or how to start this process, consider using journaling prompts. Book a free Alignment Strategy Session with Liz for 10 journaling prompts that will jumpstart your intuitive connection!

Breathwork is a powerful way to really connect to the present moment. There is no one right way to approach breathwork; however, the fear of doing it wrong can keep many moms from taking action. Taking deep breaths is a great place to start, but there’s so much more to it. Committing to breathwork may be the right answer for some because it has the power to make a significant difference in your life. It also fits in with the other steps in connecting to your inner self beautifully. The Better to Breathe episode of The Aligned Mama podcast is a helpful tool to get started!
Self Awareness Expansion Activities
Self-awareness expansion activities provide increased awareness of how you think and feel about yourself, everyone, and everything around you. As you become more aware of your thoughts and beliefs, you will empower yourself to take the radical responsibility needed to make the best decisions. This will allow you to crush your personal goals while also being the aligned mama you want to be. Liz offers 1-1 support and a group program that integrate these activities into everyday life so you can hit your goals at a much faster rate while remaining aligned, calm, and in connection with how you want to feel along the way. Book a call with Liz to learn more.

Body Presence Exercises
Body presence exercises are a method of really getting back into your body. Really feeling each and every part of your body. This hyper-awareness of your subconscious mind brings you back into the present moment, which is where all great intuitive hits happen! Challenge yourself to feel a certain body part by focusing on it, like your pinky-toe nail. Can you feel your blood pumping through your veins? Can you feel the cells in the muscles of your calf? Challenge yourself to feel all of the incredible parts of your body, and in the process, bring your awareness to the here and the now using your natural ability.
Conclusion: How to tap into your mom intuition
Learning how to tap into your mom intuition is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your young children. The human mind is capable of so many amazing things, and paired with a mother’s love, it’s absolutely unstoppable. Use these five tips to access your higher power and inner wisdom based on your personal experience to create the best family life you can imagine.