
How To Find Your Unique Superpower

If you’ve ever felt out of place and not quite sure where you fit in, you’re in good company. Most people feel like this at some point in life, but few have discovered how to find your unique superpower. Your life experiences and unique talents give you a skill set unlike anyone else in the world. You have the ability to use these super powers to create new things, help people all over the world, and live a fulfilled life. 

Do you ever feel like you’re just… different?

Maybe it just feels like you don’t relate to others, or they don’t relate to you. Like nobody really gets you, no matter how hard you try to connect.

The truth is, so much of life is spent trying to fit in with everyone else. Going with the grain and assimilating with expected social norms begins as early as learning the sleep patterns of your home as an infant. 

There is little to no room in society for independent initiative. 

It makes sense from a societal standpoint, but what if you could use what makes you unique and turn it into a superpower? What would your life look like then?

You have the ability to use your God-given talent in a way that is special only to you. Learning how to access this superpower comes down to finding what makes you happiest in life and distilling that down to find your specific genius. 

Leaders Through Adversity 

There have been many people throughout history who have claimed their own uniqueness even through intense adversity and diverse backgrounds. Franklin D. Roosevelt had polio and was permanently paralyzed but went on to become the president of the United States. Louis Braille who, despite (and because) he was blind from a young age, created a system of code that allows blind people to read to this day. Lewis Carroll, although autistic, wrote world-famous books including Alice in Wonderland and many others. 

These are examples of people with extreme difficulties in life who still persevered. Through our own unique way of looking at the world, different personality traits, neuro-diversities, and specific life experiences, each of us have something special to offer the world. 

Finding Your Own Superpower 

You may not know your specific superpower or even how to find it. You’re not alone in this. Many people go through life without meeting their true potential. This may come from a fear of failure, fear of outshining those around you, or fear of being a burden to other people. 

But these things are constructs from your inner critic in an attempt to keep you safe. While your feelings are valid, you’re allowed to let them go and find your own unique contribution to the world. You are a spark of light in this world and deserve to shine as brightly as possible. Finding your biggest strengths and using them to your advantage to help other people is the best way to live a fulfilling life. 

How To Use Your Unique Superpowers 

Once you’re able to dial into your unique superpower and find what makes you truly happy, start using it to help other people! This is where the real fun begins. 

The real challenge is allowing the flow of who you truly are, rather than trying to fit in. It can feel difficult to get out of your comfort zone and do things from a different perspective, but this is the best way to grow and continue your personal development. 

Have a great idea? Pitch it at the next meeting!

Feeling uncomfortable in that social get-together at work? Create your own agenda for the party so that the entire experience is a little more comfortable and a little less unexpected.

Tired of keeping quiet because of the fear of being “too much”? Create a platform for yourself to be seen, heard, and accepted for exactly who you are right now.

Whether you’re in the corporate world or you’re an entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to step into the role you were meant for and be a good example for those around you. 

Conclusion: How to find your unique superpower

Some people live their whole lives flying along at the status quo never really reaching their true potential. When you’re able to focus on your true unique strengths, you’ll leave behind the expectations of others and obtain a deep sense of purpose in life. You’ll know this is the right thing for you when you feel the passion and drive to create something that will make other people’s lives better. 

Your career path doesn’t have to follow other people’s expectations. You can create a successful business using your own unique superpowers. 

If all of this sounds fun but a little overwhelming to tackle alone, book an Alignment Strategy Session with Liz today! She has mastered embracing her superpower differences and has created a $200k revenue stream in the process! It gets to be easy and in alignment when you allow it to be! 

Expert Tip: Wanting to change how you think and feel means transforming your perspectives! Start with your view of success by checking out this episode of The Aligned Mama podcast: Supernova Success.

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