
Authority vs Leadership: The Difference You Should Know!

Being in a position of authority is independent of being a good leader. The difference between authority vs leadership is that one can be given and the other must be earned. Formal authority can be given or taken, but great leaders can be found in any position. The best way to lead a group of people is to have both bestowed authority and leadership skills combined.

Successful business owners own their authority over the subject matter in order to sell their products with greater impact. Their business could be just them or it could be filled with thousands of employees. When team members are added to the business, the owner is inherently the authority but must create strong relationships with his or her employees to influence people in order to be a more effective leader. These differences impact the feelings of the individual, as well as the feelings of those around them.

When a true leader is given authority over a group of individuals they can create a team of highly motivated and inspired people who have the potential to change the world for the better. With this comes unlimited earning potential and income for the entire company.

The key is to become a leader with the power of authority in order to really make a difference in the world.


Authority specifically relates to decision-making. Although one may have the authority to make decisions for themselves and others around them, it is the approach that impacts the overall outcomes. Just because someone is in a role of authority does not mean they are in a role of leadership.

Being in a management position is created, given, or taken based on the company and the individual. The level of authority someone has is based on how big the company is and that person’s position in it.

We’ve all been in a company where we knew you could do a better job than our boss. Positional authority is often given based on a personal relationship more than a personality trait. When this happens, the business suffers for it. It doesn’t take skill to be in authority which is why it’s best for business leaders to have strong leadership qualities as well.


Leadership is more about inspiration and motivation. Not just external motivation, but really sparking the intrinsic motivation in others to get them to take action and create a positive impact. A leader may or may not have a role of authority, as leadership can be demonstrated by anyone that has the skill of inspiring others.

Real leadership is earned with respect and trust through meaningful relationships with those around them. It can become its own form of authority when used to influence a large number of people to take action on a cause or as part of an organization.

If your desired outcome is to have a thriving business, it’s imperative you become a more successful leader. Being in a position of leadership is the best way to advance your organizational goals and is a more effective approach to the role of management and team leadership.

Team Leadership

Team leadership is a very special skill set within the idea of leadership. In some cases, it may feel easier to inspire on an individual level. However, inspiring teams can create a very fast, large-impact situation! Imagine, an entire team having that spark of internal motivation to move toward a collective vision for the future. That can change the trajectory of lives and businesses very quickly. 

Authority vs leadership means being a leader in social interactions and with those close to you to create a ripple in the pond. However, true leadership over entire groups of people creates waves that can change the world.

With the right leadership potential, a person could make a major difference in any organizational structure through their teams. Coupled with an official position of authority, they could make a real impact on the lives of thousands, even millions, of people.

Conclusion: Authority vs Leadership

Authority is typically more of a title or role that someone was provided, meanwhile leadership is about an informal, internal drive for success and inspired influence.

Being in authority does not immediately make a leader. Building trust and respect is key to becoming a major player in organizational success.

Once you have the skill of being a great leader, you can shift from inspiring the individuals around you to motivating entire groups of people. This is when you make a real difference.

When you couple authority with leadership over teams, you can create meaningful, lasting change that ripples out across the entire world.  

If you’re to make this kind of impact on your team and become the leader you were meant to be, schedule a call with Liz to boost your profitability and make a real change.

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