
7 Life Hacks for Highly Successful People

Life isn’t always about following the rules, sometimes you get to take the shortcut! These 7 life hacks for highly successful people contribute to not only continued success but also to feeling fulfilled before all else. 

So what makes these tips better than all the rest out there? Well, most people want to tell you how to live your life based on a lack of some kind. “You don’t have this thing, but it’s ok, I’ll tell you how you can get more/better/richer.” But what have these kinds of ideas really done for us? What you focus on expands, and focusing on what you don’t have, gets you more of the same.

If you really want to level up fast, use these productivity tips based on the foundation of abundance through daily habits. Focusing on what you love in life brings you more of what you want and you’ll feel good doing it! These 7 life hacks for highly successful people will help you lean into more of this feeling and draw the life you want toward you, rather than chasing behind it. 

Create an Aligned Routine 

Ever hear that successful people wake up before 5 am? While waking up early can be an incredible productivity hack, it can be some peoples’ hardest task, and it isn’t for everyone! What is more important is to create an aligned routine that will support you every step of the way. This begins with energetic check-ins first thing in the morning and taking action on tasks that align with what you are feeling first! Book an Alignment Strategy Session with Liz to take fast action on creating daily routines! 

Expand Self Awareness  

Being aware of your energy, how you think and feel, and your intentions for the day is the most important thing. At the end of the day, it isn’t always about what you do, but how you do it. This includes how you’re thinking and feeling while you’re doing these things. The more you focus on being aware of yourself and your surroundings, the more that feeling expands. Use this different perspective wisely to expand on the things that make you most happy in life. 

Being While You are Doing 

Sounds counterintuitive, right? This also aligns with how you do what you do. Being present and aware of your feelings throughout the day allows you to be more present in your tasks and go in the right direction. If you can tap into deeper levels of flow and alignment while tackling tasks and meetings, it will inherently create more feelings of fulfillment – leading to even more success! 

Take Action Immediately 

Take action immediately on tasks that come up if you’re available and if the task will take five minutes or less. Otherwise, take action immediately by writing it down and assigning a date for that task to be completed. Since it’s not always possible to complete the actual task when it comes up, it’s a good idea to create a system for task tracking and execution. Don’t waste time and energy trying to remember tasks by keeping them all in your head. There are loads of task management software out there that can help you keep track of everything you need to do. Taking immediate action one way or another will save you so much time and hard work in the long run. 

Time Bending 

Think of the Pomodoro method on steroids! There are time management hacks successful entrepreneurs understand about how to use time to their advantage instead of always feeling like it’s controlling them. How great would it be to feel as if you had all the time in the world to get everything you want to get done?! This is possible with just a change in perspective. There is enough time every single day. You can find all the details on integrating this technique in the Time Bending Masterclass

Remain Aware of the Forest in the Trees 

You have a long-term vision of where you want to go in your life, right? You know why you want to achieve that vision for the future? Good! Now, focus on the common thread of the small tasks it takes to get there, but don’t lose sight of that big vision! Being able to see the whole picture will help you make those small adjustments you need to make every day to reach your dreams. If you want to learn more about being able to truly dive deep and align with your bigger vision, check out the Vibe with your Vision Masterclass. It has all that you need to go bigger and better, super fast! 

Celebrate Your Success 

Take a moment to acknowledge that where you are right now is exactly where you wanted to be not very long ago. This is exactly what allows you to continue your path to success. Take a moment to savor the wins and small accomplishments it took to get to this place. This also means reflecting and reevaluating what the word “success” means to you. The truth is, there is no simple definition for success and you may decide to change it for yourself in the future. Expand your perspective with an Alignment Session with Liz

Conclusion: 7 Life Hacks For Highly Successful People 

The best way to use these tips and be a successful person includes creating a morning routine, handling your to-do list by taking action immediately and getting out of your comfort zones by changing your perspective. Great leaders know that being successful happens on a daily basis; it’s not one big event that lasts forever. Make it a habit to focus on new ways to expand your self-awareness and become just a little bit better one day at a time with these simple tweaks. 

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